Trusted & Verified - Cellcast UK Limited
  • PCI Compliant transactions
  • Verified by Visa
  • MasterCard SecureCode
CUSTOMER SUPPORT: 0333 335 0299

Payments on your statement will be debited by " 335 0299"
We always deliver a high standard of service, we verify securely that all data passing through our SecureMT gateway is handled in a way to protect your information. SMT is certified by McAfee Secure. We make sure transactions using your details are handled securely by using 'Verified by Visa' and 'MasterCard SecureCode' authentication.
We can assist in helping you understand your credit card or bank statement:
  • We provide information to help you recognise a purchase on your credit card statement with SMT you may have difficulty remembering.
  • We confirm the details of a transaction on your statement when it does not match the name of a product you recently purchased.
  • We can help you with advice in the event you have been a victim of fraud.
©2018 SecureMT
Cellcast UK Limited - 33 Priory Road, Southampton, England, SO17 2HT